Der Blog, der Kultur erlebbar macht.

What difference can I make?

Use your voiceDear all,

We always think that what one person decides does not really make a whole lot of difference to others in the world.

Since I can think, I have always been taking a different stand motivating others to use their voice and let the world know and felt very frustrated that it was not really inspiring people to do so.

Doing this in a not-so-digital world, before our current times, was not that easy, because the person who stands out and up for what he or she believes in was often alone against the crowd. Swimming against the current.

I am so glad that these times are over.

The voices and weights of all the one persons are now coming together. Like this we can change the world.

Yes, we can.

I just received a letter from Ricken Patel. He is the founder of – my deepest respect and honor for your work, Ricken.

Avaaz is a 44-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world’s people shape global decision-making. (“Avaaz” means “voice” or “song” in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz’s biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

There are no better words to explain everyone of YOU the weight of YOUR VOICE.

Inspirational regards



Dear Avaaz movement,

I have a crazy confession to make. I started Avaaz, and I don’t sign many petitions.

I always think, “yeah, but what difference is my one extra signature going to make?” I feel like I have more important things to do, like making sure our petitions are powerfully delivered.

But wow, am I glad the rest of us don’t think this way. Because while it’s true that the 1,137,540th signature doesn’t by itself change the game, the whole million of them absolutely can. And the whole million is just a million individual people hoping, believing and acting. Doing *their* part, however small, to make a better world. Without people who make that individual choice, our movement would not exist.

So much of life is like this. Any one of us could be the one person to skip the line, or not vote, or lie on our taxes, or turn away from a neighbour in need. But we don’t. Why?

Because it’s who we are. Because it’s the right thing to do. Because we were raised to love and serve. Because we know what a dark world it would be if everyone failed to do their part.

I’ve always been awed by the decency of the people in this movement. You teach me again and again. And in reflecting on this question of why we sign, I come back to my own behaviour. And I pledge to sign more. To be part of that simple act of connection to others, in hope, service, and that precious kind of strength that we can only find together.

Click below to see and join a global, multilingual live chat of our movement about why each of us sign (and message, share, call, lobby, donate, march). These times call for all of us to step up to the needs of our communities and our world – let’s inspire each other to service:

Why we sign

I know many of us are moved by seeing the list of names of others who have signed scroll by on the petition page. I am too. Look for my name there.

With gratitude for this stunningly beautiful movement,

Ricken and the team

PS – Of course, our petitions are just the beginning of our campaigns — and Avaaz runs some of the most effective, strategic, don’t take no for an answer, never say die campaigns in the world! I know many of us only see a campaign at its beginning. See our victories page to see what it looks like at the end.


Avaaz Victories Page

JOIN the Avaaz Community

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