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Fuckup Nights Basel Vol XI

Jumping right into what happened on our Fuckup Nights Basel on 19. April 2018 – the counterpart to our ladies night from last month – thank you to our three speakers:

Jens Ulrik Hansen

Jens Ulrik Hansen

Jens is an Executive Advisor, Futurist and loves to transform Businesses. He inspires and advises on leadership development, adaptation and business transformation to the digitalized and socialized 21st century.

The importance, when under pressure, of getting the balance right between taking care of others and taking care of oneself

He is building the businesses of the future. We can imagine that doing this kind of “time travel” on a regular basis is a good source for the kind of stories we can really learn from. His passion is to work across competences and business units – a huge resource for coming across stories to learn from.

Jens is a humble, inspirational person always looking to enthuse and engage people!

Connect with Jens



Sina MehlStefanos Kofopoulos

A Greek geek and Greece’s first professional blogger back in the ancient Internet times of 2004 until 2014 with 1.000.000 page views and 300.000 uniques per month. The Company was sold to Greece’s leading financial newspaper. He has three lessons for us – the one that stuck in my mind being

Work with people who genuinely believe in your idea

A couple of great questions in the Q&A session around how to work with yourself, using your resources wisely and changing your approach to what is important.

Connect with Stefanos


Justin Damian FurnessJustin Damian Furness

Justin took us on a journey from childhood to nearly losing his life through devoting himself to understanding Human Performance during the last 10+ years. He says it all starts with:

Accountability !

This resulted in a long group discussion that definitely inspired further thoughts.


Many of our speakers keep coming to our events – a great compliment that honors us!


Thanks for answering my out of the blue QUESTION:

What was the unexpected effect being a FUN.Basel speaker had for you?

We are looking forward to see you on 24. May 2018

The Organiser

Jutta Jerlich



FUN Basel Vol XI Speakers 19.4.2018

Photos at our Facebook Page

Read about previous @FUN_Basel evenings

Launchlabs Basel

#FUN.Basel @FUN_Basel #fuckupnightsbasel

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