Der Blog, der Kultur erlebbar macht.

FUN.Basel Vol VIII – Event of your choice

Basel has so many events happening on regular intervals: Wednesdays, Thursday – the days all have specific labels already and I know that there are other events tomorrow night that even I would go to … if there was not a FuckUp Nights Basel.

Thank you so much for your decision to join the conversation about failure! Thank your for the trust in us and your engagement to be part of this cultural shift Isabelle and I are working hard to keep on pushing along here in Basel.

The time our evening was a little different than before – we were all active and a lot of the conversations was circling around this quote:

“Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door. ”
Coco Chanel

Our special guests and speakers you had the honor to meet were:

Carol Daubney

Carol Daubney
Looking behind the “How are you? I am fine.” ritual reveals a lot of insights – the corporate executives Carol trains benefit from her deep understanding based on her own experiences.  Her advice:

There is no shame in asking for help!

She touches all of us with her story and the reason why she is really happy to share her story:
“I am doing what I am doing because I wished that someone had told me 20 years ago.”


Ludovic Pureur
Ludovic Pureur
We really enjoyed the story of Ludovic, especially the coaches in our audience who all went to thank him afterwards. Ludovic`s experience in sales & marketing in consumer electronic distribution within European markets and the end of a company lead him to a Start-ups he loves to work for and partly owns today.

Being open and transparent to your employees pays off !

Success requires getting out of our comfort zone – and leads to something better!

Steffy Böhm

Stephanie Boehm
A humble young lady who owns a designer label and 3 shops – despite the cultural and family pressure. She could not find a FuckUp, even searching really hard.

I can only see feedback, don`t you?

Steffy is really passionate about fashion but never a fashion victim. Even though her first stepy did take her to do a Master in Business Administration in Marketing, she never gave up her dream and build up her plan to become a designer.  With lots of experience from the trade working for large companies in retail management before she today knows exactly what she is doing.

“I am nervous now – speaking to your own employees or people you know is different than speaking to a crowd of people who do not know.”

Les Robes d`Antoinette
The Secondhand Secret Room Basel


We are looking forward to see you on November 9, 2017.

The Organisers

Jutta Jerlich & Isabelle Valibus



FUN.Basel Vol VIII Speaker 6.9.2017

Read about previous @FUN_Basel evenings

Launchlabs Basel

#FUN.Basel @FUN_Basel


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