I am so thankful for having had the honor to be the amplifier for such an important movement: the SUGAR AWARENESS WEEK brought to you by Puricious!! ❤️❤️❤️

Sabine Van T Hart is so driven to get the knowledge people to need to decide for a healthy sugarless lifestyle. I really enjoy supporting this mission, I actually feel that it is my duty to do so.
It is not the chocolate, the cookies, and the ice cream, we know that this is sugar – it is the hidden sugars, the fact that almost everything we buy has sugar inside which we are not aware of. This is the trap we all fall into. We do not want YOU to fall into this TRAP.
Thank you so much for listening and reading about the facts about sugar. It was so great to see the feedback rolling in, check how many people saw the materials created and followed into the course with a highly professional 360° Analysis what the sum of all sugars we take per day does to our body.
Sabine was working non-stop to answer all the questions and personally receive the wonderful feedback. Yes, I am speaking about several hundreds of emails, phone calls, and other social contacts points – Sabine was soooo happy and of course so extremely tired that it took some time to recuperate from this intense time.

Can you see the difference in the fotos?
Since you know now that I myself have ditched sugar with Sabine, I can only recommend to take a helping hand and not try to do this alone.
I am like this … I always think that I need to have the self -discipline to do “this” myself … does this sound familiar to you?
The fact is that our brains are tricking us and if you do not know in advance what shape and form these tricks can take, you are doomed.
A guiding hand to reduce your sugar intake is the best way … I wish you had Sabine on your side to do this together!!
She does not only have the expertise, but she also has the experience of having guided 378 clients from all around the world (yes, from a distance) on HOW TO REDUCE SUGAR … and seen incredible HEALTH TRANSFORMATIONS happen in as little as 10 days.
She has the heart and soul needed to support you in your journey in a soft and at the same time determined way as no one else has.
Thank you, Sabine, for being who you are.
[SILVER] 10-Day Sugar Rehab program
[PREMIUM] 10-Day Sugar Rehab program
[EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE COACHING] 10-Day Sugar Rehab program
What is the difference between them?
Depending on how much support you need for the changes and how you feel comfortable in your learning process, the program levels reflect the personal contact hours you have with the resources and of course, Sabine and Marco from Puricious.
There will be a Webinar for answering questions about exactly this point and we will make sure to post the invitation to it here.
Here is the WEBINAR LINK …
See you there
#puricious #DitschSugarTogether
#saw #SugarAwarenessWeek