Der Blog, der Kultur erlebbar macht.

Wishing you inspiring conversations

I remember my first trip to Sweden, excited to meet the Scandinavian community of high class educators: IT educators at schools and universities crossing all knowledge levels and ages learning about cutting edge technology for our (increasingly) smart societies.

goodVibes Stockholm

I very much enjoyed the vibrant climate and inspirational conversations with nice, competent and young students as well as their teachers. I would go again any time.

The coming days Kane Minkus is coming your way,

Har du koll på Kane?

This foto shows Kane the way I know him: open, direct, full of humor and respectful and in this combination a very inspiring and motivating individual.

He helps business owner and want-to-be business owners to

  • become clear about what they are best at,
  • become more visible and credible,
  • build their personal brand
  • … ultimately grow their businesses and themselves.

It is great to work with him, not only inspired me but catapulted me to a new point in life. I am happy that you have the chance to personally meet him next week as well.

You will find more details when you check out the registration page for his FREE event below.

Will I meet you in the Community of Holistic Entrepreneurs and Business Owners?

Here are the dates and times – just click on the pic or your city and sign up for the FREE event.

Clicking on the below schedule will also take you to the registration form.

Kane in Scandinavia

All the best




Facebook Page

More about my experience with #kaneandalessia


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