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FUN.Basel Vol V – Walk the talk

An exquisite group of people joined the 5th #FuckUpNightBasel‬ at Launchlabs. The organizers decided that it is time. Time to walk the talk themselves, understanding and experiencing first hand what it means to be a FuckUp Night speaker. Joined by a third professional, the topic of the evening was clear:

3 Stories of Failure in highest management positions: backgrounds and setting

The discussion with the participants was very intense, following question in the center of attention:

How much does your setting have to do with the failure and what does it do to you as an emotional being?

Thanks to our speakers at @FUN_Basel Vol V

… for sharing their stories:

Jutta JerlichJutta Jerlich
Technology evangelist, marketing strategist and educator

Is your market ready for your offer?

As a specialist in building digital communication and content strategies for entrepreneurial minds and organizations facing the challenge of an increasing speed of change, her story showed how you can become like a fish in the water during times or rapid and all encompassing disruptive change.


Holger SchimankeHolger Schimanke
Coach, trainer and consultant for outplacement, career management and executive coaching in Basel & Zürich

Where are your limits?

This is the defining question which also came up during the Q&A session with the audience. Holger is sharing his experiences with people in the similar life situations.




Isabelle Valibus
HRM Consulting and Management Training for Corporate and Human Resources Strategies

How do you define success or failure?

Thanks a lot Isabelle igniting the discussion of how we all define success and respectively failure.



It is wonderful that each and every evening has its own character and style colored by the personalities and stories of our speakers.

We are looking forward to see you again soon.



FUN Basel Vol V Speakers

Read more about @FUN_Basel evenings

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