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I am not a leader


Email Conversation from the Creativity Engineering Course at the Vienna University of Technology during the idea and team finding phase

Emma Dear Jutta,
I have an idea. I actually have two ideas.
After I broke my knee and my doctor said, it will be a long time to heal… I imagined that there is a possibility, that it can never happen. At that moment I realized, that I wanted to do many things, but just postponed them like running a marathon, jumps with turns (I am an ice skater), etc… . I started thinking about “our” goals, which are mostly unrealized.I would like to design a concept of a social network.The main idea of the network would be a list of goals … (student continues to describe the idea in much detail) …. BUT there are two problems:1) I am not a leader, I am not able to get people interested.
I can speak perfectly 3 languages, but English is not my strong side.

2) I don’t have time for the implementation.
I saw a nice sentence once. I cannot find it now. I don’t know from whom it was. … The sentence was: “We think we will do everything in the future that may not come to pass. We have to do things as long as we have opportunities”.

Thank you for your attention,


Dear Emma,
thanks for sharing your ideas.
I have to tell you that there is research that says the real leaders are people who say that they are not leaders :-)I think you should share your idea and see if others want to join in.
A semester is much to short for implementing something like this but it is long enough to start thinking about it and maybe shape it into something that will become implementable later.

Last semester I was lucky to have met such a group. They are now in the process of writing a business plan and starting as a company to implement their idea.

Things become possible – there just needs to be a start at some point.
The best point for starting is always now. As you have said it so clearly yourself.

I do know how hard this is. Especially when there are always so many other things that have to be accomplished and done at the same time.

See you tomorrow,

best regards


Emma Dear Jutta,
Thank You very much!I will share my idea right now! 🙂

Best regards,

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