Der Blog, der Kultur erlebbar macht.

Wishing you lots of Christmas for 2014

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, a religious event and a widely celebrated cultural holiday.  When you ask people the question “How do you celebrate Christmas?” or “What does Christmas mean to you?”, you will get quite diverse answers.

Everybody has a different way of celebrating. In some places Santa Claus comes through the chimney and delivers gifts to children on the 25th of December. Where the population is predominantly roman catholic, the birth of Jesus as the “Christkind” is celebrated on the 24th of December with a family gathering and attending church service.  In other countries Christmas is a festivity with a more commercially motivated.

         Christmas tree 2013

The essence of any festival for me is the coming together, meeting family and friends, cooking and eating together. This is what my family does at Christmas. It was not always like that. It developed into this format. The special dish this year was Carp in salt crust and it was delicious. But it was not about the dish. It was about the time spent together and the thoughts exchanged while decorating the tree, preparing the meal and cleaning up afterwards.

This is my feeling of Christmas. I enjoy all festivals of all religions that bring people together, open their minds for each other and lead them back to what connects them: common roots, same goals, shared views on life, friendship and love.

I hope that this kind of feeling was part of your Christmas holidays and I wish you lots more feelings like this for the New Year 2014

I wish you lots of Christmas occasions throughout the year.

Thanks for the thought exchange, support and collaboration to

my family and friends
my colleagues, advisers, mentors and companions
my former students in Japan
my current Creativity Engineering students


Are you owing someone a meal? Listen to the Author of the book Happy Money – click on Can Money Buy Happiness?

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